Vehicle Servicing
KL Engine Centre has over 30 years of Vehicle Servicing Experience
Available to all types of vehicle makes and classes.
We currently have three levels of serving carried out on site by our qualified vehicle technicians.
Oil & Filter Change
We replace the oil and filter the following checks are also carried out to ensure that:
– There are no oil leaks.
– The exterior lights are all working.
– The power steering fluid is at the correct level.
– The brake fluid level is Ok.
– The windscreen wipers and washer bottle are working correctly
We also check that the timing belt/cam belt are not due for (the recommended) replacement.
Interim Car Service
Normally an interim car service is carried out after about 6,000 miles or every 6 months.
This makes sure that your vehicle is maintained properly when caring out an interim service.
We change oil and oil filters, air filters and carry out maintenance recommended by the manufacturer.
Full Car Service
A full car service should be carried out every 12,000 miles or 12 months to keep your car maintained correctly.
It is important to have a full service carried out, which our trained mechanics can help advise you on.
We can provide full information on how to prevent further costs if something were to go wrong with your vehicle.